Kenya Destinations

Kenya is an East African country with an Indian Ocean coastline. Savannah, lake lands, the dramatic Great Rift Valley, and mountain highlands are all part of it. It’s also home to lions, elephants, and rhinos, among other animals. Safaris depart from Nairobi, the capital, and visit the Maasai Mara Reserve, which is famous for its annual wildebeest migrations, as well as Amboseli National Park, which offers views of Tanzania’s 5,895-meter Mt. Kilimanjaro.


Nairobi’s bustle and hustle, as well as its high rises and lovely restaurants, impress visitors. Kenya is a country on the rise. Humans give way to the primacy of the wondrous animals in the country’s treasured national parks and conservancies, where they rarely fail to enchant, both in numbers and in up-close, soul-enriching observation. “The sight of a lion goes straight to the heart,” Isak Dinesen wrote in Out of Africa.